UFO As Big As A Walmart Spotted By Hundreds Of People In Stephensville Texas

UFO As Big As A Walmart Spotted By Hundreds Of People In Stephensville Texas

In January 2008, the small town of Stephenville, Texas, became the center of a major UFO mystery when hundreds of residents reported seeing a massive unidentified flying object, described as being as large as a Walmart. The craft was seen in the evening sky, emitting intensely bright lights and moving without sound. Witnesses were stunned by the sheer size and speed of the object, which some claimed was being followed by military jets.

Video: Texas UFO? 'Mysterious' lights recorded in Lone Star suburb

The incident sparked national attention, with some believing the UFO was extraterrestrial, while others thought it could be a secret military craft. The Federal Aviation Administration initially denied any unusual activity, but radar data later confirmed unidentified objects in the area at the time of the sighting. The Stephenville UFO remains one of the most talked-about UFO sightings in recent history, fueling ongoing debates about the existence of extraterrestrial life and the potential for government cover-ups.

Mysterious 'Texas-sized' anomaly stirs UFO and sea monster theories - Times of India


UFO Sighting Reported by Hundreds of Witnesses | In Search Of (Season 2) | History - YouTube


KXAN Weather: UFO? Strange clouds spotted in Central Texas

History's Most Infamous UFO Sightings of the Modern Era | HISTORY

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