This discovery has generated numerous theories in the scientific community. Some experts suggest that the human giant may have existed as a different species, possibly related to Homo sapiens. These giant figures could have developed survival skills in extreme environments, such as glacial or tropical climates.
Another theory proposes that the presence of dinosaur bones could be evidence of a ritual or funerary practice carried out by an unknown ancient civilization, which challenges current notions about human evolution. However, establishing detailed theories depends on future studies and analysis.

The human skeleton is relatively well preserved, with evidence suggesting that this giant figure may have led a particularly unique lifestyle and diet. Additionally, several stone tools were discovered near the site, suggesting that the location could have been a settlement or ceremonial burial site.

This human skeleton is approximately 4.5 meters tall, with an impressive and robust bone structure. Numerous dinosaur bone fragments were also found around the find, including a fossilized part especially identified as belonging to a Tyrannosaurus rex.
The discovery was made in a cave that had been buried by layers of earth, rock and ice for thousands of years. Experts used modern scientific methods, such as 3D laser scanning and carbon-14 analysis, to determine the age of the materials. Preliminary results indicate that these giant human bones date back approximately 20,000 years, coinciding with the same era as the dinosaur bones found.